In 2011 King Tone came across a newspaper article that featured a Pedicab in Denver Colorado while on vacation. As an avid cyclist growing up in New York City he knew he would love being a pedicabber. He wondered if they had Pedicabs in Tucson Arizona where he was living at the time. When he got back home he started doing late night recon to see if Pedicabs roamed the streets and sure enough he saw a couple that usually came out after 10 pm. He knew then he had to join in the fun and get a Pedicab of his own. One thing was for sure he didn’t want to blend in with the current pedicabs on the streets, so he started to scour the internet and found Pedillac Pedicabs. They sold electric motor assist Pedicabs that were totally different looking from the current pedicabs on the market.
With one Pedicab he started what was then known as University Pedicabs (We Can Take You There) was the tag line.
He served the downtown Tucson and the University of Arizona markets. 1 Pedicab grew to 3, 3 grew to 6 and in 2013 he reached market saturation. He also figured out all the flaws in the Pedicabs and created innovative ways to make them more reliable and easier to ride. During that same year he became aware that Pedillac Pedicabs was closing shop through frequent phone calls from their previous customers who had bought Pedillac Pedicabs and had no one to offer them support or parts. He quickly realized there was an opportunity to help others with the same Pedicabs he had and to grow his business with. He got a hold of the owners of Pedillac and bought out their entire inventory and re-branded the business into what is now known as Pedal Media Pedicabs.
His quest to make the best electric assist Pedicabs was relentless. In 2013 he built the first ever true
mid drive electric assist Pedicab, but he didn’t stop there. He also engineered a way to use composite
Skyway Mag wheels which led to one of the first ever hyper custom pedicabs on the planet. Since then
Pedal Media Pedicabs has built countless custom pedicabs for customers nationally and internationally
and continues to support previous Pedillac customers and current customers alike. He doesn’t just sell
you a Pedicab he stands by your side 24-hours 7 days a week including holidays as your personal customer
support specialist, he provides free business consulting and shares the knowledge and experience he has
acquired over the years for free. To him you’re not just another customer, your part of the royal family of
Pedicabbers across the world and he provides world class service and support to make you feel as such.
In 2014 he moved the Pedicab Service and Sales division to Phoenix Arizona where he continues to operate a fleet of the same Pedicabs he sells and rebranded the service to Phoenix Pedicab Service.
He continues to build custom electric assist pedicabs and incorporate the latest products and components available while keeping the cost to a minimum. If your considering buying a Pedicab or a fleet of Pedicabs give him a call you will always get to speak with him directly. All Pedicabs have been completely redesigned for 2018 and now can easily be compared to the pedicabs available on the market. There is no question dollar for dollar you get more with a Pedal Media Pedicab.
Give him a call regardless of your intent to buy or not, he will be glad to speak to you any time. (602) 469-3954
Below are just some of the custom creations built by Pedal Media Pedicabs over the years.


The royal welder, fabricator and all around fix it man.

The royal servant leader, founder, creative force, marketer, sales director and customer service guru.

This 3 year old Princess is the rightful heir to the throne and one day soon she will be ready to start pedaling around on her own.